

c1955. Made in England. Metal and Bakelite box camera. This one has chrome flip-up covers over the viewfinders. 6x9cm on 120 films. Two small levers above shutter release engage time exposure and green filter.

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Coronet Ambassador 6x9cm Box Camera

Coronet Cameras, 48 Great Hampton Street, Aston, Birmingham 1926-1967

This company was formed in c1926 by F.W.Pettifer and manufactured a large number of cheap box and folding cameras until c1967. Many of its cameras were distributed via premium schemes or mail-order catalogues. Most of its pre-war box cameras and post-1945 plastic moulded cameras appear with different nameplates and lens panel styling. The company linked up with Tiranty of Paris after WMII to produce cameras and avoid French import restrictions. These cameras usually have ‘Made in France’ and French instructions on controls, including the Rapide, Le Polo, Weekend, and Fildia.

Throughout its life, the firm produced various Coronet accessories, flash units, closeup filters and viewers and its own Coronet film in 120 and 127 sizes. Close links between Coronet, Standard Cameras Ltd. and Conway cameras exist with interchanged moulds and body parts. Over 50 different Coronets exist.

The former part of the body is attached to the back piece by buttons


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