The Coronet Rapier was a plastic 120-roll film viewfinder camera made by Coronet in Birmingham, UK.
The Mark I was available in 1959 (possibly earlier) and had a black body with sloping sides, a prominent square-section lens barrel, and a pressed sheet metal back. The design is essentially the same as the Coronet 6-6 but masked to a smaller image format[1]. The Rapier has a two-pin flash connection; the whole thing was much like a larger version of the Coronet Victor. It had a choice of aperture, one for colour, one for black-and-white.
The Mark II had a flatter, more conventional body with leathercloth covering and added a two-speed shutter, 1/50 & 1/100s with a PC socket for flash, and marked apertures f/16 & f/11. The image format was 16 4x4cm on 120 films. The Rex appears to be the same camera as the Rapier Mk II.