The Cosmic 35 is made of that almost-Bakerlite hard plastic with a fairly middle-of-the-road 40mm 3-element Anastigmat lens. Apertures of f/4 to f/16 and shutter speeds of 1/15 sec to 1/250 sec plus a bulb set on a dial around the lens. Focusing is, of course, by guesstimation with a range scale on the lens barrel.
Lomo Cosmic 35 (Smena 8)
The Cosmic 35 is the export version of the Smena 8
No rangefinder or light meter exists, so you must do it all manually. The aperture is set on a small wheel around the lens.
The Cosmic 35 is the unusual UK release of the Soviet-made Smena 8 (Смена-8) that was manufactured in the 1960s to early 1970s
Doubtless one of the most popular Smena cameras. Smena-8 was the camera USSR tried to enter the international market. Camera is identical to Smena-6 with a special device for reverse taking-up from cassette to cassette; possible to use just one cassette with a take-up spool. Pop-up rewind knob. On the back of the camera, imprinted either the old GOMZ logo (on the lens faceplate) or a blank circle.
Produced: 1963-1971
Name: „Смена-8“
Producer: LOMO
Lens: Triplet-43 4/40
Shutter: 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250 + B.