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Copyright and usage terms

Copyright by Martin Sotelano All Rights Reserved.




Rights Usage Terms

All images are the property of Martin Sotelano and protected under the UK and International copyright laws. Copying, duplicating, saving as a digital file, printing, publishing in form of media including web, manipulating, transmitting or reproducing without the prior written permission of Martin Sotelano is strictly forbidden and would constitute a breach of copyright.


Do you want to use my images?

I offer clear guidance for the use of my images when not including monetary payment:

1 REQUEST A watermarked photo A photo without my logo & name and agree to include a link to my website.

2 Some websites, blogs, and social media outlets prefer the un-watermarked option. Editorial publishers can request a photo for publishing; the terms are described in more detail below.


The text can appear as Artworks by Martin Sotelano or Photography by Martin Sotelano. For a blog, the citation must also be an underlined hyperlink to the URL https://www.sotelano.co.uk and may not include the “no follow” link attribute in the HTML. The credit should appear in the first paragraph of text. For social media, it should appear in closest proximity to the photo above the fold.


Artwork by Martin Sotelano http://www.sotelano.co.uk

Photography by Martin Sotelano http://www.sotelano.co.uk

Note: The use of the camera emoticon alone is not proper photo credit followed only by my name. You can use an emoticon, but it also must include the appropriate citation text.

For displaying or using my images on Facebook, Pinterest, or similar websites, each photo must have in its description: Copyright Martin Sotelano http://www.sotelano.co.uk

Photos should not be cropped, altered, or otherwise modified. My logo must remain attached to every photo and may not be hidden, altered, or removed.


In a printed editorial context like a magazine, proper citation is considered:

Martin Sotelano / sotelano.co.uk

appearing under each image or in the margin per the publication’s style guide. The minimum standard font size for a citation is 10 point.



Each interested party must contact me and receive separate written permission and offer just compensation before sharing the designated photos in printed or electronic advertising, magazines, portfolios, websites, or blogs outside your direct control or on your business website. I have an easy online usage agreement you can access and complete.

Permission may be rescinded for displaying the photographs at any time for any reason. If I do deliver a removal request, per our written agreement, you agree to remove the image/s within 24 hours of receipt of that request. If you fail to abide by these Terms & Conditions, you agree to compensate me (and the clients whenever applicable) for any usage.

I will base that compensation on the monetary rate that would be customary for such usage and the industry-standard at the time of said publication or distribution. You may also be held liable for actual and/or statutory damages. To quickly calculate standard industry usage rates, we suggest you refer to the Getty Images calculators for non-royalty free images.



You may share, post, pin, or link to our photography as long as you provide proper attribution of copyright. You may make links to the images on pages you manage for yourself in a personal non-commercial role like Facebook, Pinterest, etc.

Using the buttons provided on our website is the easiest and the best way to do this. Enrolled students may incorporate our photography and website content for school reports and presentations as long as you give proper citation credit.



If you would like to license or get a usage license, please contact me with the following information.

Image/s or content you would like to use

Where you will display them

How you will display them

Intent of the display

Duration of the display

You can also include any other information that you think is useful.

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